Monday, August 9, 2010

i don't give a shit

Other peopLe d0n't understand me they criticized my Lo0k, my haircut, the way i taLk, m0ve, everything . They even said im WEiRD, ADDiCT & CRAZY but i d0n't mind them . i L0ve being me & i d0n't care what 0ther pe0pLe say (FUCK to th0se pe0pLe who keepz on taLking behind my back or saying thingz against me). Everytime im g0ing out im juzt putting my earph0nes & Listened t0 the songs 0n my ip0d or ph0ne . The voLume iz reaLLy so Loud, the onLy thing im hearing is the SCREAMiNG so that i can't hear if pe0pLe are taLking about me & when i caught them staring at me i juzt Lo0k at them w/ tough Lo0k . Pe0pLe can say anything against me & make up st0ries about me but i juzt Let them becauze it onLy sh0ws that im on t0p of them & they are the reaz0ns why i shouLd c0nsider my seLf FAM0US .

i have a L0t of friends but onLy few of them ar true & reaLLy understandz the reaL me others are secretLy taLking behind my back, they juzt can't say it straight to my face (you kn0w who the HELL are you) . i kn0w i can't trust anyone & the onLy pers0n who kn0wz aLm0st everything ab0ut me iz my c0uzin (XHiELA) . she kn0wz my secretz, my HEARTACHES . but i can't teLL her everything, my TEARZ, PAiN, SUFFERiNGS, PR0BLEMS, so i juzt keep it to my seLf . im just writing it on my n0te, my feeLingz, EM0Ti0NS, PAiNS, etc. i feeL reLieve when im writing (that'z why i wanted to be a WRiTER but they want me to be s0me0ne eLse) . when i can't face it anym0re im just CRYiNG my seLf t0 sLeep . n0 one kn0wz what's reaLLy inside of me . Because i kn0w i can't trust any0ne but my seLf .

im the kind of girL wh0 can be in a cr0wded pLace & feeL s0 AL0NE . who teLLz herseLf everything wiLL be aLright but im that girL wh0 CRiES herseLf to sLeepz . im the girL who L0ves so many pe0pLe yet trusts n0 one . im the girL who seems to be the happiezt girL in the worLd but aLL she d0ez iz worry . im the girL who is searching for s0mething that'z never been there . i juzt want to be happy & n0thing iz wr0ng with that . Every perz0n wantz to be happy . im a type of girL who faLL f0r b0ys easiLy that'z why im easy to HURT & im sensitive with my EM0Ti0NS . im vuLnerabLe t0 beLieving LiES . im h0ping that 1 day i w0n't need a fake smiLe . i Live by qu0tes the 1 expLain exactLy what im g0ing thr0ugh . i have BESTFRiENDS & ENEMiES . i have DRAMA & mem0ries & that'z Life . Live it, L0ve it, Learn fr0m it .

i want to meet some pe0pLe who are exactLy juzt Like me so that they can underztand me i can underztand them . s0me pe0pLe who are exactLy haz the same trip Like i d0, same music that i L0ve so we can jam, pers0ns who are t0taLLy BR0KEN inside but ztiLL keepz 0n smiLing juzt to hide the PAiN . n0 1 can underztand uz n0t unLess they wiLL aLso experience the same experience we had .

"im a HELL of a SCANDAL, im a SCENE, im a DRAMA QUEEN, im the BEST DAMN thing that your eyes have ever seen". (AVRiL LAViGNE's s0ng) . yeah im a DRAMA QUEEN, im to0 em0ti0naL my TEARZ are easiLy faLLing when i feeL even juzt a singLe ache . i easiLy get CRY when im HURTiNG & n0 1 kn0wz im CRYiNG but my seLf . i d0n't want them to kn0w that iam a crying Lady 'cause i want the w0rLd to see that im a str0ng pers0n even if im weak inside . i'LL juzt pretend to be happy, taLking a L0t & Laughing out L0ud so that n0body w0uLd kn0w what'z reaLLy inside . But at the end of the day i aLwayz find my seLf aLL AL0NE . i'd rather Lock my seLf on my r0om with my music s0 Loud rather than to be with a L0t of peopLe & feeL so Left out . music so0thes my souL & music makes me happy, that's 1 of the things that's why even if im AL0NE i can say im happy :)

it'z hard f0r me to define my seLf i guess im juzt a cLiche, the perz0n who L0ved to0 hard & didn't get anything in return .

i L0ve to see pe0pLe trying to kn0w me m0re dezpite my imperfecti0nz Living their Lives with me in such a L0ving way . pe0pLe who can accept the reaL me & respect me as a pers0n :)

FYi im n0t aLwayz in s0rr0w (i have a happy Life & i have pe0pLe who L0ve me) thiz iz juzt 1 side of me . But you can't deny the fact that s0me point at your Life you are to0 EM0Ti0NAL & wiLL feeL AL0NE even if you have aLL the pers0ns who L0ve you . it'z just happened that im to0 EM0Ti0NAL when i wr0te this .

(i kn0w whiLe you are reading this you wiLL say im to0 em0ti0naL or maybe your Laughing at me right n0w, but i d0n't care . i d0n't give a SHiT/FUCK to th0se peopLe who are n0t part of my Life .~_^ )

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